Customer Journey

Change can be daunting, especially in mission critical hygiene operations, rest assured we understand this and the risks that are perceived with such a transition.

Ozo works collaboratively with your technical and hygiene teams to demonstrate the potential benefits that transitioning to eloclear can deliver at your site. Our team understands that every site is unique and hence will agree the design of our structured approach prior to embarking on your journey to eloclear deployment. Our approach involves the following steps:

Our industries

lets talk about your
Hygiene Net Zero Journey…

lets talk about your
Hygiene Net Zero Journey…

Simplify your approach to food hygiene, maximising safety and minimising waste without sacrificing microbial control. Ozo is improving food hygiene outcomes for its customers through the delivery of its effective, efficient and sustainable food hygiene solutions.

Meet the Ozo Team

Out initial meetings take place via video conference, and we will fully introduce the technology and the journey we will embark on together. We start the process by gathering some site data using simple and easy to complete questionnaires. This may involve the exchange of sensitive data and hence we prefer to sign non-disclosure agreements to protect both parties before moving forward.

Our industries

Project Scoping

Our industries

Our team will visit your site to understand the environment and, in particular, the hygiene processes undertaken. We will understand the challenges you face and the benefits you wish to achieve from deploying our solution. Depending on the circumstances, a small proof of concept trial will be undertaken.

Baseline Data Analysis

Ozo will carry out an exercise to gather baseline information required to understand the current costs and consumption figures associated with your current cleaning and hygiene processes. Depending on the capacity of the site, Ozo can help to identify the opportunity to increase production or reduce working hours to deliver additional benefits. Once this information has been collected, Ozo is in a position to provide a broad outline of the savings that can be made. These savings will be presented in the form of an initial business proposal.

Our industries

Method Development & Feasibility

Our industries

Subject to approval of the business case, Ozo will conduct several trials on site to ensure that an appropriate method is developed that meets your hygiene and efficacy requirements. This feasibility process is designed to demonstrate the ease of use of eloclear in conjunction with your hygiene operatives, its cleaning capability and efficiency, and most importantly rapid pathogen and allergen testing, if required, to demonstrated efficacy.

Process Optimisation

Having successfully demonstrated the feasibility of using eloclear, our team will work with your hygiene operatives to fully optimise the new process.  Optimisation maximises the benefits that can be achieved as well as building greater involvement, acceptance and training within your team.

Our industries


Our industries

Typically, a change of equipment or chemical supply requires full validation. You and/or your customer(s) will have a formal validation process that Ozo will need to complete prior to full approval to deploy eloclear within your facility. Ozo will continue to support your staff through this process which may require multiple cleans across different soil types.


Subject to agreement of commercial terms, the Ozo Engineering team will agree the scope, plan and installation of an appropriate elosystem that meets your specific requirements. We will require a suitable location on site that meets the elosystem needs and will need to agree how best to deliver eloclear to the point of use.  Our technical team will provide all site training and provide any hygiene documentation to support the deployment of eloclear.

Our industries

You are now ready to embark on your journey to a cleaner, greener hygiene solution!